Tag Archives: seconde main de luxe

Digital tools for second-hand RaaS

Fab to have a visit from Masters students of Hochschule Luzern – Digital Business & Innovation (HSLU DB&I). Jon, Dario and Thibault joined us in Geneva to see the reality of running a hybrid online and physical RaaS (re-sale as a service) business. Value is an important part of second-hand and DOWNTOWN UPTOWN’s 1st-hand-2nd-hand approach […]

@FunkyForty reviews DOWNTOWN UPTOWN!

FunkyForty online magazine shares style tips and ideas in Switzerland. Yvonne, a 40 something Kiwi, is based in Zurich, Switzerland. With a love for Fashion, Travel, Shopping and Food. A popular instagrammer with 30’000 + followers, she visits Milan and Paris Fashion weeks each season to ensure we know the latest in hot trends. She […]

What is sustainability in fashion ? The perspective of a luxury consignment CEO

Photo: Giji Gya at the Luxury Innovation Summit, October 2022. Photo by Matthew Croisier. Sapere Aude Associates interviews DOWNTOWN UPTOWN’s CEO, Giji Gya. Giji, you have been directing Geneva’s largest luxury consignment and ethical fashion boutique for almost 9 years and you come from a background in CSR/ESG and human security including with Fairwear in […]

Luxury Innovation Summit, Geneva

We’ll be asking the hard questions at the Luxury Venture Group ‘s Luxury Innovation Summit and presenting solutions for slow fashion & sustainable style with luxury consignment & innovations in re-sale. Ms Gya states: “In the 21st century, addressing what and how we consume is becoming paramount to our future and the true essence of being “sustainable”. Preloved […]

Une vie durable…

Spearheading the slow fashion movement in Geneva with our international team, we are now featured in MySwitzerland and Ge-Reutilise. “Dans la ville la plus internationale de Suisse, le design et l’innovation sont appréciés et donnent de l’espace aux produits durables qui ont du style.” Our clients from around the world appreciate our curated second-hand style, […]

Le Luxe d’occasion s’achète une vertu: Bilan Luxe

Plébiscité pour son aspect écologique et circulaire, le marché de la second main de luxe séduit surtout par ses prix attractifs. Des boutiques aux marketplaces, en passent par la location, les acteurs multiplient les business models… par Andrea Machalova, https://www.bilan.ch/bien-vivre-luxe Extrait avec nous sur page 18-19 : < “Il y a 33 millions de nouveaux […]

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